I Used Sea Moss on my Face for 7 Days. Here’s What Happened …

Screenshot_20200504-145900~2.pngWe’ve been making more health conscious decisions in the Melanin Mommy household lately, and our latest research has led us to Irish Sea Moss.  Though not widely studied, the literature that does exist claims sea moss contains 92 of the 102 vital minerals the human body needs.  So I’ve been ingesting 2 tablespoons via smoothies or mixed into my yogurt for about a week now.  While I do notice a change in my mood and energy, I don’t know if I can fully attribute it to sea moss since I’ve also increased my physical activity, mindfulness practices, and have improved my eating habits.

What I HAVE noticed, is a drastic improvement in the clarity of my skin since I have also used sea moss as a facial mask nightly for a week.  Let me tell you, the Melanin Mommy is a firm believer because I noticed a clear difference in my blemishes, pores, and brightness after only 3 treatments.  I was actually in disbelief.  Check out the results below.

My forehead milia pre-treatment vs. day 7

I soaked and blended my sea moss into a gel and stored it in a glass container in the refrigerator.  You can use it for up to two weeks.

A little goes a long way.  I made the mistake of scooping a tablespoon to use for my mask the first night, which was way too much.  I only used about half and put the rest in olive oil to apply to my scalp with an applicator bottle.  I found 1 teaspoon to be plenty.IMG_20200425_210002.jpg

Since it’s refrigerated, it’s nice and cool on application.  It starts drying once it’s been fully applied and immediately tightens the skin.  I leave it on for 20 minutes.IMG_20200501_210149.jpg

My biggest problem area is my forehead where I periodically break out in stubborn, hormone-induced milia.  So I was sure to especially document changes in that area.  Look at the difference of my pre-treatment skin vs. day 3 and day 7.

Pre-treatment vs. Day 3 vs. Day 7

Here are photos of my pre-treatment skin and results on days 3 and 7.

Pre-treatment vs. Day 3 vs. Day 7
Pre-treatment vs. Day 3 vs. Day 7

So yea.  I’m definitely a believer.  I’ll be continuing the masks on a regular basis, probably not nightly, and will continue supplementing in my diet.  Junior is a fan too.

Have you tried sea moss?  What has your experience been?

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